186 research outputs found

    The number of unit distances is almost linear for most norms

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    We prove that there exists a norm in the plane under which no n-point set determines more than O(n log n log log n) unit distances. Actually, most norms have this property, in the sense that their complement is a meager set in the metric space of all norms (with the metric given by the Hausdorff distance of the unit balls)

    Blocking Visibility for Points in General Position

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    For a finite set P in the plane, let b(P) be the smallest possible size of a set Q, Q∩P=∅, such that every segment with both endpoints in P contains at least one point of Q. We raise the problem of estimating b(n), the minimum of b(P) over all n-point sets P with no three points collinear. We review results providing bounds on b(n) and mention some additional observation

    Implementation and Verification of Network Interface Blocks

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    V rámci platformy NetCOPE se vstupní a výstupní síťové bloky používají pro odstínění návrháře síťové aplikace od problémů s implementací linkové vstvy síťového modelu ISO/OSI, zvláště pak její MAC podvrstvy. Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá návrhem, implementací a verifikací takovýchto bloků pracujících na rychlosti 10 Gb/s. Navržený vstupní síťový blok provádí kontrolu příchozích rámců a umožňuje zahazování těchto rámců na základě výsledků prováděných kontrol. Výstupní síťový blok podporuje nahrazování zdrojové MAC adresy rámce a doplnění pole FCS. Součástí obou síťových bloků jsou také různé druhy čítačů rámců. Navržené síťové bloky byly otestovány na kartách COMBO v rámci platformy NetCOPE a bylo pro ně navrženo verifikační prostředí pro jazyk SystemVerilog.Network interface blocks are basic part of the NetCOPE platform where they help to the network application designers to deal with problems of implementing the Data Link Layer of the OSI Reference Model, especially the MAC sublayer. This thesis is focused on the design and implementation of such network interface blocks operating at speed 10 Gb/s. Designed input interface block provides checking of several parts of the Ethernet frame and allows discarding of this frame based on checking results. Output interface block supports replacing frame's Source Address by a pre-set value and provides frame's CRC computation. Both network interface blocks also include a set of frames counters. Implemented network interface blocks were tested on the COMBO card. SystemVerilog verification testbench was also designed for both network interface blocks.

    A Combinatorial Proof of Kneser'sConjecture*

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    Kneser's conjecture, first proved by Lovász in 1978, states that the graph with all k-element subsets of {1, 2, . . . , n} as vertices and with edges connecting disjoint sets has chromatic number n−2k+2. We derive this result from Tucker's combinatorial lemma on labeling the vertices of special triangulations of the octahedral ball. By specializing a proof of Tucker's lemma, we obtain self-contained purely combinatorial proof of Kneser's conjectur

    Removing Degeneracy in LP-Type Problems Revisited

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    LP-type problems is a successful axiomatic framework for optimization problems capturing, e.g., linear programming and the smallest enclosing ball of a point set. In Matoušek and Škovroň (Theory Comput. 3:159-177, 2007), it is proved that in order to remove degeneracies of an LP-type problem, we sometimes have to increase its combinatorial dimension by a multiplicative factor of at least 1+ε with a certain small positive constant ε. The proof goes by checking the unsolvability of a system of linear inequalities, with several pages of calculations. Here by a short topological argument we prove that the dimension sometimes has to increase at least twice. We also construct 2-dimensional LP-type problems with −∞ for which removing degeneracies forces arbitrarily large dimension increas

    Lower bounds for a subexponential optimization algorithm

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    Recently Sharir and Welzl [SW92] described a randomized algorithm for a certain class of optimization problems (including linear programming), and then a subexponential bound for the expected running time was established [MSW92]. We give an example of an (artificial) optimization problem fitting into the Sharir-Welzl framework for which the running time is close to the upper bound, thus showing that the analysis of the algorithm cannot be much improved without stronger assumptions on the optimization problem and/or modifying the algorithm. Further we describe results of computer simulations for a specific linear programming problem, which indicate that "one- permutation'' and "move-to-front'' variants of the Sharir-Welzl algorithm may sometimes perform much worse than the algorithm itself

    Computer modelling of mixture formulas of composite materials

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    Předkládaná práce se zabývá modelováním průběhů dielektrických veličin a aplikací směsných vztahů pro řešení složených soustav v závislosti na frekvenci. Teoretická část se zabývá fyzikou dielektrik a charakteristikou a popisem složených soustav a její součástí je přehled základních směsných vztahů. Součástí práce je program, využitelný při výuce, umožňující modelování průběhů permitivity, ztrátového činitele a ztrátového čísla v závislosti na frekvenci a Coleho-Coleho diagramu materiálu; u směsí potom simulaci Maxwellova, Bőttcherova a Lichteneckerova směsného vztahu.Submitted work engage in modelling of progressions of dielectric variables and aplication of mixture formulas for solution of composite materials in dependency on frequency. Theoretical part engage in theory of dielectric materials and composite materials and contains summary of basic mixture formulas. A part of work is programm which can be used in education. It allows modelling of permitivity, loss factor and loss number in dependency on frequency and Cole-Cole circle diagram in materials. In mixtures modelling of Maxwell´s, Bőttcher´s and Lichtenecker´s mixture formulas.

    Ramsey-like properties for bi-Lipschitz mappings of finite metric spaces

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    summary:Let (X,ρ)(X,\rho), (Y,σ)(Y,\sigma) be metric spaces and f:XYf:X\to Y an injective mapping. We put fLip=sup{σ(f(x),f(y))/ρ(x,y)\|f\|_{Lip} = \sup \{\sigma (f(x),f(y))/\rho(x,y); x,yXx,y\in X, xy}x\neq y\}, and dist(f)=fLip.f1Lip\operatorname{dist}(f)= \|f\|_{Lip}.\|f^{-1}\|_{Lip} (the {\sl distortion\/} of the mapping ff). Some Ramsey-type questions for mappings of finite metric spaces with bounded distortion are studied; e.g., the following theorem is proved: Let XX be a finite metric space, and let ε>0\varepsilon>0, KK be given numbers. Then there exists a finite metric space YY, such that for every mapping f:YZf:Y\to Z (ZZ arbitrary metric space) with dist(f)<K\operatorname{dist}(f)<K one can find a mapping g:XYg:X\to Y, such that both the mappings gg and fg(X)f|_{g(X)} have distortion at most (1+ε)(1+\varepsilon). If XX is isometrically embeddable into a p\ell_p space (for some p[1,]p\in [1,\infty]), then also YY can be chosen with this property